Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Don't let politicians bully you

Received a copy of the Daily Mail with my Tesco shop (honestly I didn't buy it) and came across this from former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey:
We have reached the point where politicians are mocked for merely expressing
their faith. I cannot imagine any politician expressing concern that Britain
should remain a Christian country. That reticence is a scandal and a disgrace to
our history

"He complained yesterday of a 'strident and bullying campaign' to marginalise Christianity in the name of political correctness."
(Follow this link for the full article)

Lord Carey calls for Christians 'to return to the public square'. For me this means engaging with the world in an unapologetic manner, without fear of man (Proverbs 29:25), knowing that our God is worth fighting for. I have great respect for Christians who are involved in the political sphere and think that there should be more who represent our faith in these circles of influence.
This is not to say that all believers cannot be God's ambassadors wherever they are. We are called to be salt and light which means affecting the 'taste of life'. I was once taught that our role as salt was to act like a moral preservative in the world, at the very least stopping it from getting any worse.

These are challenging days for Christians but also an opportunity to speak into the various trials of life that our friends, families, colleagues and peers find themselves in. We must do this by being faithful to our God and His word and not by shirking in the face of worldly opposition.
Nobody said it would be easy!

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